
What Keeps Us.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

What is value? How do we determine what has value?

Something’s value is determined at what we will give up to have it.
So, I ask - what are we willing to give up to have that thing of value we hold so dear?

The past month or so, we have been going through the parables of Jesus at church. Every teaching and truth of Jesus is meant to draw us closer to God, not to pull us away. When we hear the Gospel and the truths Jesus commanded, it can cause us to become uncomfortable. Messy, deep-rooted, discomfort that we just want to run away from which in turn is really reflecting our current status of our true hearts/lives. It brings up past/current events, past/current feelings, and convictions in our lives that we'd rather stay hidden. If this is an issue for you, your issue is not with the pastor or writer and simply disagreeing with their words or beliefs - the root of the issue you have is with Jesus. It may reflect the current state of where you are in relation to God. What the Gospel does is that it drives us into intimacy with God because of the love it pours out. If you try to replace knowledge or feelings with the Gospel, it will produce a lot of self-righteousness and no intimacy in Christ. Jesus both teaches and warns us. If our lives don’t match with what Jesus is teaching, it is revealing how far our lives are from being centered on God. 

If we want to experience and take part in the Kingdom of Heaven, we have to equate it to the Kingdom of God. We should be willing to give up anything and everything we have. It is the Gospel taking root in our lives and living our lives that reflects the Kingdom of God; it is not us continuing to live by our agenda or our desires. It is coming to know that wherever and however God is at work in our lives and circumstances, everything centers and revolves around God. And I am not talking about a distant hope of what we will get to experience one day in Heaven - we get to take part of it right here, right now - because of Jesus and the Gospel! 

So how do we get to take part in the Kingdom of Heaven/God? We have to recognize first that the Kingdom of God is constantly competing with the Kingdom of MeGod isn’t 2nd, 3rd, or 4th or on a shelf in our lives. He is to be first and centered. When we live our lives in accordance with the Kingdom of Heaven/God, everything else will properly prioritize itself in accordance to His agenda and desires. I know that is hard for us to imagine without seeing it first, but we are told to live by faith, and not by sight. 

There are also some truths about the Gospel that we need to lean into:
First, the Gospel is hidden, like hidden treasure. The Gospel is so valuable and precious because of what it has to offer that nothing else can compete with. Yet to receive the Gospel, it is so simple. As Jesus said, all it takes is child-like faith.

There is a power and ability only found in that of the Gospel. Those who listen, not just hear; those who look, but don’t see; those who are aware but don't ignore having Jesus center (and not themselves) find the truth of the Gospel. It is no longer hidden to us because of the presence of God in our lives. The Gospel continues to stay hidden to those just hear, but don't listen; to those who just see, but don't look; to those who are aware but choose to ignore having Jesus center and first. Those who stay hidden from the Gospel don’t want to put their own pride and selfishness aside.

Second, the Gospel produces joy. Joy is one of the fruit of the spirits we receive and experience when we go deeper and more intimate with the Gospel, and focus on God's love, kindness, mercy, grace - we get to experience the Kingdom of God! There are a lot of things that will promise joy and satisfaction this world. And for awhile those "promises" will make us happy and satisfy us, but it will not last. We will constantly seek this next thrill of success, the next feeling of contentment, the next "if I just have this...then" moment...and so on. 

John 10:10

10 The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. 

My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

Outside of Christ, nothing will last, nothing will satisfy. Whatever we are chasing, if it is outside of Christ, it will crumble and break apart. The Gospel in itself though reveals that if every dynamic in our lives is based and centered on Christ, there are fruits produced. TRUE JOY. And Patience. Goodness. Gentleness. Love. Peace. Kindness. Faithfulness. Self-Control. Even in the sorrows, sufferings, and pain. Even in the brokenness, we can still have joy, because of Jesus.

Third: So what are we living for then? We have to really look deep within ourselves and ask if Christ is the center of our lives. Or do we have idols in our lives that we replace in lieu of Jesus? If we do, the Kingdom of God and the fruits of the spirit that come from Him are not being produced in our lives. And we have to stop jumping on the bandwagon of people who are having fruits produced in their lives. We have to allow Jesus to start creating our own. 

We got the Gospel wrong when we look at it like this:
  1. A To-Do List = we have to do all these things to be right with God and for Him to accept us when we have it all together
  2. A Ball/Chain Effect = something we do that we don’t want us to do
We have to get rid of this idea that God doesn’t want us to be happy. It’s not that God doesn’t want us to be happy, but He does get angry for us when we find/seek happiness in things outside of Him. What we don’t realize is that the things we fear we would have to give up that produce happiness in our lives, can be truly found in Him and produce true and lasting happiness.

When we read Matthew 19, we read of the man who followed all laws according to the commandments and asked what else he could do to follow Jesus. Jesus literally asked him to sell all his possessions and be a literal follower/disciple of Jesus. The man could not give up His possessions and life for Christ.

The standard is set and response is demanded.

Jesus put it as simple as possible. He set the standard. We don't set the standard. The response is demanded. It isn't a negotiation. Is there anything in your life that you are holding back? “I will follow you Jesus but I am going to hold onto this in my life. I’m going to continue living the same life and doing the same thing. I’ll follow you, but just don’t take away this.” If these are our thoughts, we have idols we are not willing to give up for a life with and in Jesus.

And He wasn't talking about just the tangible and materialized possessions we carry and place great value on. Jesus doesn't need our things. He doesn't need our money. 

He wants our hearts people. That is what He holds the most value on. It is why He came down from heaven and endured what no other could for our hearts, lives, and the promise of whoever chooses Him would have eternity with Him. He wants us to lean into Him, trust Him, realize all of our worth and value comes from Him, and to depend on Him. No one else. Nothing else. 

We need to find the idols in our lives that prevent us from choosing Jesus. We need to go beyond the ones that are the most noticeable/tangible and seek the ones that can even be daily tensions in our lives. We have to look at the whats/hows/whys of our priorities. What do we prioritize, in what order, and why??? 

I illustrate that to a circle with rings around it. Jesus is in the center. The next circle line around that is my husband/marriage. Then follows my family, my community/tribe, my work, ministry, and then everything else falls behind and in line. My strength, hope, joy, truth, and love that I receive comes from the center, Jesus, and then every line of priorities outside of that is only as strong as my center and foundation are. 

My idols that stood in the way of just following Jesus for so many years were over the fact that I prioritized my feelings and my past. I didn't want to let them go and let Jesus fill me and suffice me. I believed in Jesus, but I wasn't following Jesus. How many of us have been there or maybe are there? I cared more about what people thought of me and how they would react to this whole "Jesus" thing, I didn't want to lose certain people, I wanted to feel the justification of being "right" in my feelings from those who hurt me, caused disappointment, and I felt superior in the sense I thought it was enough that I myself was a decent and good human. I thought THAT was enough to get by on in this world. I believed so many lies that prevented me from following Jesus - and it was my own doing! My feelings were my choosing/doing. Then allowing myself to just hold onto those feelings for years were my choosing/doing. Saying I forgave someone but then using the past against them in any moment I could to feel justification and self-rightousness - my choosing/doing! Thinking as long as I was a good person by society's standards weren't cutting it - and they don't cut it. We aren't to live by the world's standards and what they deem is good, right, and worthy. 

Side Note: It took A LOT of breaking down, building back up, breaking down again, therapy, crying out to God, wondering if God was really for me, fighting with God, fighting with those around me that were trying to direct me to God, and even more therapy to really work on my idols and struggles I was holding onto. (I think therapy is great for anyone and everyone!!!) So I totally get it when you say your struggles are real and your hurt is real. It took me years to find my way back to Jesus. But running away from MY issues (these are YOUR issues, no one else) and God is not the answer. Outside of Christ, I cared more about what people thought and how my decisions with choosing God would affect them or affect our relationships - I missed the mark. I valued the satisfaction of holding on instead of dealing - I missed the mark. Pride, anger, hurt, self-rightousness, resentment, - we think as humans we are owed justification and righteousness to feel superior and better over others - when we hold each other's accounts of wrongs in a back pocket to use when we need to feel justified in our feelings and thoughts - I know I did - again, I missed the mark. For me, it came to a crashing moment in my life though where I realized I had nothing else to lose that I was no longer in fear of losing and everything to gain in Christ. The things I have lost in Christ were never meant to be shared in Christ, and outside of Christ, they created chaos, hurt, disappointment, fear, worry, doubt. 

Today, I still struggle with my priorities and having idols in the way of Jesus. If I choose my work over my marriage, I am allowing that to be an idol in the way of my husband and Jesus. If I choose ministry and the tasks I find myself handling on Sundays over connecting with my church family and individuals, I am putting that ahead of my priority of tribe and Jesus. In any circumstance or season, if I am not allowing myself to choose Jesus in every circumstance and prioritize in accordance with Jesus being first and center, then I am choosing to not be like and be with Jesus. If I am placing some priorities in places of value they shouldn't be in, have I done the same with Jesus? If I have re-arragned areas of my life to hold more value with because I THINK they are more befitting in their places, what have I done with Jesus? Where have I tried to re-arrange Him and negotiate Him into my life?

Choosing to be a follower of Christ doesn't mean everything is easy now. It doesn't promise that everything will now be perfect and happy 24/7. But what it does mean that in Christ and following Christ, we have a solid foundation to stand on when life does get messy and broken. There will continue to be seasons and moments where everything around may seem like it's falling apart, but God stays rooted and will not crumble. We can seek refuge in Him. No matter what. What you think you aren't capable of doing - great, start from there - because we aren't capable, but God is! And it’s not that we won’t ever measure up and perfect our lives for God - it’s the fact that we don’t have to because Jesus gave us hope, security, love, and grace with a life in Him and only in Him. We will never find these produced in our lives if we continue to run the other way and do our lives alone and without those who encourage, help, and point us to Jesus. 

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