I don't EVER make New Years Resolutions - this is probably because I easily lose focus once this little thing called "life" starts to get in the way. I don't stay committed to anything for very long. At the beginning of this year, I came into it with no expectations - none for myself and none for those in my life.
I brought with me a torn and bruised spirit, and I had lost hope in a lot of the areas of my life. I had lost vision and hope for myself and my future. I didn't think I would ever be able to shed my hurts and hang-ups. - to truly move on and leave them in the past. Well let me just say, God usually brings you to your weakest and most vulnerable state before He does something BIG in you. It didn't take too long for me to fall flat on my face and come to realize that I couldn't do it on my own anymore. I was weak and was deeply in need and searching for God's grace and strength.
I brought with me a torn and bruised spirit, and I had lost hope in a lot of the areas of my life. I had lost vision and hope for myself and my future. I didn't think I would ever be able to shed my hurts and hang-ups. - to truly move on and leave them in the past. Well let me just say, God usually brings you to your weakest and most vulnerable state before He does something BIG in you. It didn't take too long for me to fall flat on my face and come to realize that I couldn't do it on my own anymore. I was weak and was deeply in need and searching for God's grace and strength.
Luckily, by February, my husband and I started to attend Woodlands Church - and we have finally found our church home. I know it may seem I brag about this a lot - but I just can't help it (#sorrynotsorry). Through our church family, I found my way back into God's vision for me - one He had never lost sight in but that I had been so unwilling to see because of sadness, anger, disappointments, and not letting go. I quickly came to realize was that there was hope and a future for me. That I was not lost, because God has given me the greatest sacrifice and gift I could ever receive.
I look back on this year and I am thankful and blessed to see what I have been able to deal with and overcome. But I didn't do it all myself and I don't deserve any of the praise - God does! He did it - I just opened myself up to let Him work in me. Each day is a working progress - new challenges and obstacles continue to come up - there are even many still present. But they are ALL out of my control.
My sister Natalie has done this same challenge for awhile now and I felt challenged to really jump into it...which is why for 2015, my one word vision is...
I shamelessly admit that I tend to put God in a box - that there are certain situations I just cannot bring to Him. When I start to do that, I put limits on God and I doubt God. I need to learn to trust Him 100% in everything I do, feel, or say - trust Him not with just His blessings, but that no problem I have is bigger than Him to handle and overcome. Trusting that when I walk away from something or someone, it is allowing Him to step in, and that because He is truth and just, He will makes all wrongs right, heal all pains, mend hearts and relationships. Even when He hasn't yet "fixed" things, I will continue to persevere.
My sister Natalie has done this same challenge for awhile now and I felt challenged to really jump into it...which is why for 2015, my one word vision is...
I shamelessly admit that I tend to put God in a box - that there are certain situations I just cannot bring to Him. When I start to do that, I put limits on God and I doubt God. I need to learn to trust Him 100% in everything I do, feel, or say - trust Him not with just His blessings, but that no problem I have is bigger than Him to handle and overcome. Trusting that when I walk away from something or someone, it is allowing Him to step in, and that because He is truth and just, He will makes all wrongs right, heal all pains, mend hearts and relationships. Even when He hasn't yet "fixed" things, I will continue to persevere.
I have to trust in God, not in man. I learned that when things in your life happen that you wish were otherwise, you have two choices in life:
1) You can either choose to continue to live THROUGH it and trust in God
2) You can choose to let it kill you (emotionally, mentally, spiritually)
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