First, no I am not going to start by breaking out into Frozen songs....But I really do love that song!
I have had to finally realize something and accept this as truth - no matter HOW much you can love someone and want them to change, you cannot change them...and it's time to stop putting their happiness and sanity before your own. When I first started this blog, I had every intention to read a book my sister suggested to me: " Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life". I started the first couple of pages and then I stopped...but this past weekend, I decided I was really ready to open it up and learn. I found myself in struggling circumstances with people in my life and I think I was finally ready to be taught on what to do. I made the choice.
“Part of taking responsibility, or ownership, is knowing what is our job and what isn't.” Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend (Boundaries)
I've learned that where I am at in my life, others are not. I cannot change them. I can argue, I can cry, and force every single word that comes to mind upon that person to convince them to fix the situation, but it'll probably go through one ear and out the other. I can choose to become so frustrated with the situation because they are not changing. What I am not allowing is for them to eventually come to their breaking point and allow God to change them. We are all on our own individual path. You cannot reason with someone who is not at the same point in your path or even expect them to understand where you are at. Every time I tell someone "this is the last time" - it doesn't work. Why??? Probably because I obviously keep going back to that person because I think "This is it – I can FINALLY convince them to change. It'll work this time!" - AND that is a lie. AND the other person knows I will continue to come back, so my "threats" are empty. So then really, why do they need to change? I found myself in their whirlwind of chaos. I couldn't understand why nothing I was doing was working. I would find myself arguing with God: "Don't they see how wrong they are and how right I am? (Our family and friends seem to always make us feel holier right??? WRONG!) Why don't they just want better?" Then I found myself telling God (and myself): "Maybe they don't need to change. Maybe they don't want to change...because I have convinced them I will always continue to come back." In order for real change to happen, the other person needs to realize on their own when enough is enough. You cannot hold them to your standard of enough because we all have different breaking points.
What I have now realized is that they might think they do not need to change, and that's okay because that is their choice, but I realize I do need to change and that it is my choice. I need to change how I choose to act and react. I recently started Celebrate Recovery...which is something I was struggling to admit even writing this. But why should I feel ashamed??? Because it doesn't meet the world's standards??? There is only one being I am placed on this earth to serve and please and I am on HIS standards. I don't feel ashamed. I feel relieved. I feel liberated. I am finally facing and admitting my own faults I have made in my life and taking ownership over those areas of my life. I am finally coming to terms and trying to heal from all the hurts and hang-ups I have held onto for sooooooo long in my life caused by other people and myself. It's funny how admitting you are powerless over your own life gives you so much strength. I have realized I cannot change myself, and I need the help of others and Christ.
“People with boundary problems usually have distorted attitudes about responsibility. They feel that to hold people responsible for their feelings, choices, and behaviors is mean.” Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend (Boundaries)
There are going to be people along my path that will not agree with me or understand what I am doing. If and when they are TRULY ready for their own truth, they will realize their reality has been altered for so long because they have chosen to believe and feel a certain way for so long in their life. I do believe this - people who say they are always happy do NOT like to confront the harder issues in life - their pain, fear, anger, resentment, shame, or guilt. They have programmed themselves to believe those issues don't exist in their life. That they are good people. If you confront them about something they did wrong, they turn it around about how you are making them feel bad. This is because they would rather not feel or truly be held accountable for their actions (and probably confront deeper issues) than to confront those hard issues and admit they are not flawless. They don't own their feelings or know how to express their feelings, but some people are not ready for the truth in their life. It takes a strong person to admit their weakness, and an even stronger person to admit their powerlessness over those weaknesses.
“Feelings should neither be ignored nor placed in charge…Feelings come from the heart and can tell you the state of your relationship. But, the point is, your feelings are your responsibility and you must own them and see them as your problem so you can begin to find an answer to whatever issue they are pointing to.” Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend (Boundaries)
We make our own choices. We choose what to feel. We choose what to say. We choose what to do and what not to do. I am responsible for myself and you are responsible for you. If I get angry or because I chose to, and I need to figure out why I chose to. Was I truly in the wrong??? Maybe...If you are on a path to being a better and newer you, whether you are a believer in Christ or not, the hardest thing I have learned is that you will have to let some people go. Your change is not about their change, but simply about your change. I have found myself to be much happier when I have started to guard my heart and place boundaries with certain people. It is hard when this can be friends or family members, but it is necessary if they continue to get in the way of your change. All that you can continue to do for them is to pray for them. That is all you can do. No words or actions can make them change. When you finally accept that and let them go, and let God start controlling it and allow Him to change them, you will see miracles happen. Let you do the work and let God do the miracles.